Today, like pretty much every day, is a good day for scones. This recipe is crazy simple, and also the pinacle of bucket baking because there actually
isn't a recipe.

Collect your ingredients. SR flour, butter and milk. That's all. Simple, eh?

Rub flour and butter together in a mixing bowl until it looks like bread crumbs. As a rough guide, 2 cups of flour and a little more than 2 tablespoons of butter makes around 10 scones.

Add milk. until the dough comes together but isn't too sticky. Forget to take a photo before you roll it out on a lightly floured surface.

Use a suitably sized glass (dusted with flour) to cut out your scone shapes. Gather the leftover dough and roll out to cut the rest.

Line a tray with baking paper, lay out the scones with a little space between and stick in the oven at 180C until they're cooked (lightly brown - around 15-20min).
Yum :D