Monday, October 10, 2011

adventures in kitchen-less eating

This post is not about baking at all. Sorry. But it definitely has the 'bucket' aspect and it's about food, so whatevs.

I'm living out of hotel room at the moment, which means no kitchen and a lot of takeaway/overpriced room service. My waistline and my bank account agree that this is not a very satifactory way of living. I had the morning off yesterday so I decided to adventure to the supermarket in an attempt to appease said body part and bank account.

What follows is not particularly inventive, I guess, but maybe just a reminder that you can do a lot with not much :)

Thursday, October 6, 2011


for the lack of posting. I've been away for work for the last month and I still don't know when I'll be back. I am suffering hardcore baking withdrawals. We were living in a very basically stocked apartment for a week, so I went out and bought a $3 cake tin in an attempt to get a fix. Couldn't justify buying all the ingredients I needed for a cake, so I went the box-mix route.

Turns out I suck at packet mix cakes. Chocolate fudge cake turned out more like pudding (tasted yum though), and brownies were more like toffee.

So demoralising.

I can't wait to get back to my own kitchen with proper ingredients and an oven I am in tune with.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Scones with jam and tea

Today, like pretty much every day, is a good day for scones. This recipe is crazy simple, and also the pinacle of bucket baking because there actually isn't a recipe.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

rhubarb & white choc muffins

* egg & (almost) dairy free *

Yuuuum. This morning I got to town early enough to buy a muffin for breakfast. Raspberry & white chocolate. And then I was reading a post at pioneer woman about rhubarb cobbler.

Bam. It hit me. Rhubarb muffins. Perfect with apple sauce to replace eggs.

So when I got home from work this evening, instead of the millions of things I actually need to do, I got my bake on. Checked out a few recipes online, but meh, who needs a recipe?

Monday, June 13, 2011

pumpkin pie, tassie style

Step One. Decide that it's a good afternoon to cheat, and buy pre-made pie crust.

Monday, June 6, 2011

how to cook bolognese for 30 people

1. Put the call out on Facebook and borrow a massive pot from a friend

2. Spend $47.05 at the supermarket and hope you’ve judged the quantities vaguely correctly.

3. Chop up a bunch of onions. How many? I bought five, but one was icky, so four. Four is good.

4. Dump them all in the pot with some oil. Add some more oil when you realise you didn’t put enough in initially.

5. Add half the mince to brown.

6. Give up on the whole “two batches” thing and add the other half.

7. Get an arm muscle workout stirring the mince.

8. Get really lucky and have browned mince with no burnt bits.

9. Start chopping up a bag of carrots.

10. Get frustrated with your rubbish chopping skills and decide three carrots is enough.

11. Add carrots.

12. Curse your can opener as you open a big tin of diced tomatoes. And another one.

13. Add tomatoes.

14. Fail at opening the tomato paste container. Attack it with a knife. Add paste.

15. Be enormously thankful you bought minced garlic. Add a few teaspoons.

16. Realise you’re gonna need more diced tomatoes.

17. Curse your way through another can opening. Add to pot.

18. Glance at your hands halfway through opening the 4th can. Pray that it’s all tomato, not blood.

19. Thank the Lord that the tins of beans have ring-pulls.

20. Add some beans.

21. Hear the message tone of your phone go off and spend 5 minutes searching your tiny house for your bag.

22. Find bag on kitchen table.

23. Taste sauce and decide it needs more garlic. Add, then realise garlic is one of those flavours that gets stronger with time.

24. Put lid on pot and walk away.

25. Walk back and stir it a bit.

26. Stare at washing up, wishing for magic dish-washing powers.

27. Decide to write a blog post and wash up later.